A (very) Short Story Of My Life
My name is Yuuki DeMura. I am a son, a significant other, a brother and a guy who is very passionate about some very silly things. I grew up during the early ages of the internet. When I was younger my parents didn't really have much money for toys or the latest gaming console. As a result I began to play with paper. Yes paper was my favorite toy as a kid. There are a lot of benefits to playing with paper actually. When you limit the amount of stimulus that an object can give you, you in turn apply your own stimulus. What I mean by this is when you make someone really bored they will become very creative as way to cope with boredom. However, lets not delve into philosophy. As I was saying, when I was younger I used to make things out of paper. Paper airplanes, paper figures, origami, an AK-47 that could shoot paper darts to name a few of my creations. I loved paper. Then I caught up with modern times. My parents bought me a Gameboy and I started gaming. I lost my love for making out things out of paper. It wasn't until I went to my first anime convention when I rediscovered this side of myself again. On one fateful night I had a hair-brained idea to make a cosplay in the hours after the first day of the con until the start of the second day. This was an 8 hours time frame. The race was on! I figured out the idea, but what could I make it out of in 8 hours. Then I thought, cardboard. I completed the cosplay in time and I have been doing this type of challenge every time I go to a con. Oh and I bet you are wondering what the cosplay was. It was scouting regiment from Attack on Titan.

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